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Hello, My name is Carla Peck.  I am the owner and operator of The Bath and Hound.  I have been in the pet care industry since the late 90's.  I received my grooming training through an apprenticeship with an excellent groomer.  I have been grooming since then with the exception of a break when my child was small.

I have always been fortunate to share a unique bond with most any animal.  If it is an animal, I'm going to love it!  If left to my own devices I would have a sizeable menagerie. :) Knowing I wanted to work with animals in some context, I chose grooming and have made dogs my specialty in the animals I interact with.  You just can't beat the happy, accepting, loveableness that is a dog!

I am the proud owner of an adorable, fiesty little Yorkie, an older gentle, sweet Aussie and a chock full of personality black cat that thinks he's a dog!

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